Dearest mother of mine who I love and miss so very much,
Hey there! It's been getting a little colder, and it's lightly snowed a couple times. It's absolutely beautiful!
Yes, I did receive the package, thank you! Did you get the letter I sent? With the memory card? Did you get the postcard I sent too? (It had the Provo temple on it!)
I think the system we have right now works well, Mom. When you reply to me through Dear Elder, I get that email right away. It's also really exciting to get mail when you're here, so let's keep doing it that way! I'll just have to wait to reply to you until Tuesdays.
I love your insight about Keira, I had never thought of that before either! I can't wait to get to know her for who she really is, for who her spirit really is, you know? I always like to think that she's going to have a BEAUTIFUL singing voice in the eternities, because she loves music so much. =]
I was surprised at how difficult it was for me to say goodbye to her when I left, and I'm finding that I'm missing her a lot more than I expected to. I knew that I loved her very much, but I didn't realize how special and precious she is to me until I left. She holds a special place in my heart and she always will! Please send my love to her.
I know that she knows what I'm doing and where I am. She knows the Lord is pleased with me and she's happy that I'm serving a mission. =]
Elder Moffett got a haircut? I thought you said he got transferred. Maybe you meant Elder Maddux? Haha. I'm planning on writing him a letter today. It's good to know that people care about me and are asking about me!
That's great to hear about Sis. Bennett. She's such a kind, sweet lady. She just talks and talks and talks and talks, but that's alright! I still think it's incredible that she's come to love the Lord and accept the gospel and to be baptized even at the ripe old age of 101! I hope she is able to go to the temple and receive her endowments a year from now.
CONGRATULATIONS to the Castletons! I'm so happy for them, and I wish I could meet this latest addition to their family. Did they bless him yet in sacrament meeting?
I laughed out loud at your comment regarding Dad not solociting me for marriage from the pulpit this time. Thank goodness for that! x]
I've seen Elder Vogan a few times, yes! He seems to be doing well. I mentioned in my letter that Elder Blocker (Jan's friend's son) is in my district, which is the group of missionaries here that are learning Cambodian. There's 11 of us - I explained all of this in my letter! I haven't seen Santiago or anyone else on my list of people to look for, I'm sorry!
Thank you so much for your love and prayers - you are all in my thoughts and prayers too. I really hope you got my letter, I told you about TONS of stuff in it! Plus, like I said, I included my memory card, even though it's not full, so that you could see some of these people and places that I keep talking about!
Last week's devotional was with Sis. Elaine S. Dalton, the young women's general president! She gave a fantastic talk, I wrote about it in my letter. I can't wait to see who speaks at the devotional tonight! (The weekly devotionals are held on Tuesday evenings.)
I absolutely LOVE Sundays here at the MTC. It's truly a day to rejuvinate, spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally. We don't exactly rest from our labors since we're always learning and stuff, but it's still the best day of the week here, I think. 
This last Sunday, Elder Nicholson and I blessed the sacrament, which was really nice. I haven't done that in a while! 
Here's some exciting news - I got called to be the music coordinator for our branch! I'm pretty psyched for this calling. I know that the Lord puts us where we need to be so that our talents are utilized to help bless and serve others! =D 
I'm down to my last few seconds here on my email time, so I'll have to close. I'll send you another letter in the next day or two. I love you very much! 
suasdei thngai no?ael! (Merry Christmas!)
Elder DeLong