I want to begin this week's email by expressing my condolences to the victims and families who lost loved ones in the bombing tragedy at the Boston Marathon yesterday. I'm glad to know that all of the missionaries in the area are safe and unharmed, but it's still a bit of a depressing thought. We must really be in the last days, since "perilous times [have] come" (see 2 Tim 3:1-5).
On a lighter note, two of the recent converts in the Lowell ward that we have stewardship over were finally able to go to the temple to do baptisms for the dead this last weekend! It took them a while to get there, but they finally made it, and I'm so thankful that the blessings of the temple have been extended to two more of our Heavenly Father's living children and countless more who had their saving work done for them.
We have a new senior couple in the ward, too: Elder and Sister Jueschke (pronounced jew-ski). They're phenomenal, and it's going to be great having them here. They've already proved to be a fantastic asset to the work in this area. Plus, the ward already loves them! They came with us to a lesson on Sunday afternoon, and we were able to get two new investigators with their help!
More good news! This last week, we participated in a "Faith Fair" on the campus of U-Mass Lowell. It's the university campus pretty close to where we live, and we're actually in the student library right now as we email. We weren't allowed to "proselyte" per se, but we were able to talk to a lot of people and get some people to sign a petition of sorts to start an LDS club on-campus! This means we can reach out to the 16,000 students at this campus in our missionary efforts, advertise events, and hold activities (such as institute or FHE for the YSA ward) on campus. This is going to be huge! We're really excited for the work to hasten with the YSAs in this branch of the Lord's vineyard.
Elder Johnson and I went on exchanges with our zone leaders this week - I spent the day in Nashua on Friday with Elder Wilding, and Elder Neil came down to spend the day in Lowell with Elder Johnson. It was good, and we had a couple of awesome experiences while with our temporary companions. Things always happen on exchanges that are only possible with the companion from the other area being there, and I have a testimony that the Lord is involved in the details of His work.
Yesterday was Patriot's Day (hence why this email is coming on a Tuesday and not a Monday), and we got to go to the temple in the morning! I always love the peace and serenity that is present in the House of God. Our zone was in the same session with the Springfield Zone, and so I got to see some friends! Elders Langford, Stradley, Croft, Hanberg, and Butters. =]
I haven't been sleeping well this last week or so, and I've just been emotionally and physically exhausted. It makes "wear[ing] [myself] out in the service of God" a reality, and all the stress caught up with me on Sunday. Our progressing investigators didn't come to church, a couple extra problems came up, I wasn't feeling too well, and it was all just adding up to be too much at once. So, we went home after sacrament meeting of the Heritage Park Ward (we had been at the church for 7 hours at that point) to get a bite to eat and do companionship study before heading to a couple of appointments. I took a short power nap instead of eating, and that seemed to help calm me down. I felt rested for the first time in several days, and my head was finally cleared. Once that happened, I was finally able to receive some personal revelation, comfort, and encouragement from my Heavenly Father as I studied the scriptures with Elder Johnson. As a mission, we have a Book of Mormon reading schedule, and it just so happens that the assigned chapter for this last Sunday was Alma 26. If there's anything that can get a missionary feeling good, happy, and motivated, it's Alma 26! I was deeply touched by the Spirit and was filled with a renewed sense of dedication to this sacred work, no matter the cost. "How great reason have we to rejoice!" What a great opportunity to forget about myself and my own needs and to lose myself in the service of others as I focus on their needs. This area is beginning to blossom, and I'm not going to give out when things get tough. My Savior stands by me and lifts me up through my difficulties, and He is mindful of my every need.
During this last week, the odometer on our car broke 40,000 miles, and 7,000 of those have been personally added to the car by yours truly. I've been here in Lowell for over 6 months, and transfers are next week. We'll find out this Saturday who's staying and who's going, or if anyone's leaving at all. I'm just doing my best this week to not think about it and praying that I'll be able to accept the Lord's will for me, whatever it may be. "I'll go where you want me to go, dear Lord, over mountain or plain or sea. I'll say what you want me to say, dear Lord, I'll be what You want me to be."
With love,
Elder DeLong
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