Me with the Sens and their grandchildren
Elder Langford and I are on our last day as companions here in Revere 2. I hope I've been able to help, lift, support, teach, and love him as much as he's been able to do for me. I'll miss him a lot, but I'm not worried about it - we'll see each other again, both on the mission and after. He's been an answer to my prayers, and a major influence in my life. I doubt that he'll ever understand the full impact he's had on me. I'm so grateful to have him as a friend and to have served with him in the Lord's work.
Well, the past few days have been rough. I've been here for close to 8 months, and I've really fallen in love with this ward and these people. It's been really difficult to say goodbye, not knowing when I'll see them again. The good part about it, though, is that I've been able to see how I've helped these people. It's crazy to see the effect you have on peoples' lives as a missionary, and your love for them is extraordinary. You really do learn to see them as our Heavenly Father sees them; it's such an incredible feeling. I feel so privileged to have been part of the lives and conversions of these people, and they will always hold a special place in my heart.
That being said, it's time for me to move on to a new area, a new ward, and a new companion. I can't say that I'm not nervous, because I definitely am, but I know this will be a good experience for me. Hopefully I'll be able to quickly pick up on the lessons that the Lord has for me to learn there in Lowell.
We (Elder Langford and myself) received notice last week that one of our investigators who moved to North Carolina (in the middle of us teaching him) has just been baptized! We were thrilled to hear from him, and to know that we had been the beginning of his experience in the Church. What a blessing it is to be part of this work!!!
The Primary chorister in the Revere 2nd ward invited us to come in and sing "We'll Bring the World His Truth" for the kids - I'd say we did a good job! It was fun, and Elder Langford held his own as I sang a harmony on the last verse. It was also a really great experience as we sang those words to think about who we are as missionaries of this Church; ultimately, of our Savior. It makes me want to be the best I can be and give my all as I serve Him.
With love,
Elder Justin DeLong
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