Tuesday, February 7, 2012

10 weeks down, 2 to go! .....and then another 21 months!

I'm officially in the double digits of my MTC stay. This is week 10, and that means I have only 2 weeks left! It's crazy how fast time has flown by. I can't wait to get to Boston!
As a quick sidenote, one of the newly-arrived Thai elders seems to be as much of a music nerd as I am. His name is Elder Gibbons, and most nights we get a group of elders together in our residence hall and sing hymns in 4-part harmony. I really miss singing, and I've loved doing this and getting to know Elder Gibbons a bit. Hooray for music and new friends!
I love fast Sundays here. It's awesome being in a testimony meeting with the other missionaries in our branch and hearing everyone testify of what they know to be true. I love most Sundays here, but fast Sundays are especially special. That's a fantastic choice of adjectives, I know.
So you're all probably wondering about the devotional we had last week to commemorate the MTC's 50th anniversary...the First Presidency wasn't there, I think that was probably just a rumor I heard. BUT there were about 6 or 7 members of the 70, including Pres. Jay E. Jensen of the presidency of the 70, as well as Elder Russell M. Nelson and Elder Jeffrey R. Holland!!! We got to hear from Elder Holland first (my life is now complete. Just kidding, but seriously, he's incredible. I really wanted him to come and speak to us while I was here, and he came, so I can check that one off of my bucket list!), and he spoke to us about honoring the history of missionary work. He gave us an incredible testimony, and said that we are "under solemn obligation" to honor and live up to the history of missionary work in this church. It was really a very powerful address, but what else would you expect from Elder Holland? Or any apostle of the Lord, really? I wish I had my notes with me so that I could share some of his exact quotes and points. Elder Nelson then spoke and told us a lot of this history we are to honor. He shared many incredible stories of the early saints and the missions some of them served. Then, after his talk, Elder Nelson re-dedicated 5 of the 19 buildings here on the MTC campus. It was incredible to hear an apostle pray to our Heavenly Father, much less dedicate some of the buildings we use! Those buildings have been renovated in recent months, and so they were rededicated last week. It was a wonderful prayer and an awesome meeting.
Last night one of our teachers, Brother Merrill, was talking to us in Khmae about something, and after a few minutes, I realized that I could understand every word that was coming out of his mouth. I was absolutely thrilled and I felt like I was being flooded with happiness. I love this language so much, and I am indescribably grateful to the Lord for His help as I have learned Khmae. I still have some things to learn, but I have come so far already. I love the Lord and I am honored and humbled to be part of this great work.
He has also been blessing me with the strength I need in a variety of ways. I'm still working to get along with Elder Nicholson, and things are better, but I still struggle sometimes. He's helped me with that. He's helped me when I've felt inadequate and incompetent, He's lifted me up in my times of despair and worry. He's strengthened me as I've served Him, and I know those blessings can only increase as I continue to give Him everything I am. I know that things are going to harder, but I'm so excited to get out there and teach these people. Brother Merrill showed us some pictures from his mission last night so that we can sort of put faces to these names, to these "investigators" that we're teaching. It was incredible, and somehow everything became so real when I saw those people. My heart is swollen (in a happy, poetic way) and I can't wait for the 22nd of this month, when I fly out to Boston.
Much love to all of you!
Elder DeLong

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