A lake in our area (love the leaves changing colors!)
The Book of Elder DeLong
Chapter 22
- And it came to pass that on the twenty-fifth day of the eleventh month in the two-thousand-and-thirteenth year since the time of the birth of Christ, a gathering of missionaries did take place in the chapel in the city of New Haven, in the state of Connecticut, within the northeastern region of the land. Yea, we did meet together to be interviewed by the president of our mission.
- Therefore, having journeyed long by commuter-rail train because of a lack of miles on our car, we did arrive in New Haven with much anticipation to see those of our brethren within this zone of our mission.
- And it came to pass that we did greet our brethren and friends with much joy and love, rejoicing in their goodness, especially the leaders of our zone, for they are true friends and they doth lead us in the way that our Savior has set forth.
- And it came to pass that after we did gather together, President Packard did speak unto us in the energy of his soul. Yea, he did express his love for us and his desires for our success.
- And after my companion had been interviewed, I did make my way in to visit with President Packard. We did share much in the sincerity of our hearts and spoke together of trials, faith, and strength. Yea, he did counsel me in the ways of truth and happiness.
- Wherefore, I did also speak much unto him of the struggles in the area of working with the members of the Lord's church, and he did advise me in the ways I should go. Yea, my difficulties at this time are great, notwithstanding the kindness and hospitality of the several members of this congregation.
- Yea, they do invite us into their homes and do impart unto us of their substance in great abundance, which is most delicious above all that is good. Even they do share with us in the Spirit of the Lord, and we delight together in the truth of our God.
- But it hath come to pass that the members, notwithstanding their goodness, doth not so easily engage in the work of salvation, which doth cause our hearts to mourn and sorrow. For verily, this is the work of the Lord and we need great amounts of assistance to accomplish His will.
- Nevertheless, I know in whom I trust, and we do proceed forth in our work with great enthusiasm and expenditure of effort. And it came to pass that we did leave the city of New Haven, much uplifted and filled with the Spirit of our God, and did take our journey home through the wilderness by train.
- And thus we did take the knowledge we had been given by the Lord and did establish an appointment with the Bishop and ward mission leader in our area, and we did speak unto them in much boldness and sincerity of heart regarding our desires to work in this ward.
- And it came to pass that we did set goals and make plans together, having our hearts knit together in unity and desire for the work of the Lord to progress on the face of the land.
- And it came to pass that two days later, we did trade companions with the Elders nearest to us for the space of one day and one night, and we did work hard in our areas, eat much pizza, and rejoice together.
- Therefore, having learned much as the servant of these my brethren, I did thank the Lord for the ways in which He had blessed us and instructed me to be the leader He needs over this small number of His missionaries.
- And it came to pass that after we had returned to our own areas that Elder Gibson and I did plan exceedingly for our week and did make many phone calls unto the members of our ward to attempt to find times to visit them. Yea, we did stop in a beautiful park, and as we admired the beauty of the land we did call all the members we could in the certain towns that we would be in for the next several days of our work.
- And we did also try to contact those of our investigators, who have not been showing the levels of interest that they have previously, which has given my heart great cause to sorrow and be troubled.
- And notwithstanding the difficulty of obtaining appointments, I did glorify our God for the multitude of His tender mercies, and did give thanks in all things. Now, I do not write all of the feelings of my heart, for they are sacred unto me, but suffice it to say that I do feel deeply blessed and do feel the love of our God with the utmost power and assurance.
- And it came to pass that we did also attend the funeral of a young man who did tragically pass away in a car accident last weekend. Yea, his family did request that the service also be focused on sharing the gospel with others, and the leaders of our zone did request for our presence to help them make their necessary preparations for the funeral.
- Therefore, we did travel to the land of Woodbridge to assist them in the funeral service. The people of the land were weighed down with much grief, and thus were the affairs of the people on this day. They did honor the memory of their young friend, who was only seventeen years of age, who did hope to serve a mission for the Lord's true church. Yea, we did pass out copies of the Book of Mormon to those in attendance who were not members of the church at the request of the young man's family.
- And I did thank our God again for the blessings of the gospel and the peace and joy that it doth bring into our lives. Yea, it doth light our minds and bring us hope in our Savior, Jesus Christ.
- And it came to pass that the Madison ward of the New Haven stake of Zion of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints did meet together for fast and testimony meeting on this most recent Sunday. And it came to pass that the congregation's most recent convert did bless the sacrament for his first time. We have been helping him to prepare, he being eighty-three years of age, and he did bless the bread with strength in his voice and faith in his heart. Yea, my heart was warmed at the sight.
- And it came to pass that there were many beautiful and wonderful testimonies born by the members of this land, and it did fill my soul with joy and love for them.
- And it came to pass that I did serve in the primary, along with many other brethren, on behalf of the women of the ward who were attending an important meeting of the Relief Society during the 3rd hour of our Sunday meetings. Yea, I did play the piano and did rejoice in the presence of the young children of the church.
- And now, I, Elder DeLong, do wish to close mine epistle with an experience of my week which did touch my heart most deeply, yea, above all that had come to pass in this week.
- For we did eat in the home of a certain family in the ward, and when they did discover how long I have been serving the Lord as a full-time servant in the Massachusetts Boston Mission, they did rejoice with me and congratulate me in my success. And now, when they did this, I was surprised, and thought in my mind upon the other members who had made remarks of me going home soon. Yea, for this purpose, I used to try and hide how long I have been serving.
- Nevertheless, this family did rejoice with me in the service of the Lord, and did thank me and my companion for bringing the Spirit of our God into their home. I did feel of their sincere love and appreciation, which did pierce my soul, yea, even to the very center.
- And it came to pass that as we left their home and did drive away after much speaking with them and sharing in the joy of the gospel, I did cry many tears of happiness and of sorrow. Yea, I did sorrow in the small amount of time that is left in my service as a full-time missionary, but I did find great happiness in the knowledge that our Lord doth lead me and guide me each day.
- Yea, we do each have an important part in the work of the Lord, for which we have great cause to give thanks and rejoice. He doth use each of us as His instruments to bring salvation to His children, and His work for me doth not start nor find an end with my full-time mission.
- And now, my beloved brethren and sisters, I do bid thee farewell. May God be with thee till we meet again, or until I may write further unto you.