Well, I won't keep you all in suspense longer than is necessary. I'm getting transferred tomorrow! I'm headed to Madison, Connecticut. Not a single person here in Worcester (no H in Worcester, Mom!) has known where it is, so I had to figure it out on a map...it's about 20 miles east of New Haven, right on the coast. For those of you who remember, it's where we had the mission conference the night before our Hurricane Sandy cleanup day! I already know my new companion, Elder Gibson - he served in Nashua while I was in Lowell. I'm glad to be serving with him. The most interesting part about this transfer is that both of us are getting transferred there, and both of the missionaries there are being transferred out. Some people call it "white-washing" and some call it "shot-gunning"...our mission calls it shot-gunning. The most interesting part? We're replacing Sisters. This is the first time I've ever heard of that happening! Sisters have replaced Elders several times since there have been so many new Sisters coming in and new areas being created, but I've never seen Elders replace Sisters...so I'm excited to see what happens! I'm really looking forward to my new area; this will be my first time shot-gunning and I'm ready for the challenge. When I read the T-text with my name on it, I felt the Spirit rest upon me similar to the way He did when I opened my mission call. I know God wants me to be in Madison, Connecticut and the call came from Him through President Packard. I feel as though He's giving me one last major assignment before I go home. This will most likely be my last area, and my last chance to give my all to the Lord.
It always seems like the work begins to pick up and things start coming out of the woodwork right before you get transferred...that's okay though. Elder Broadhead is a hard-working and capable missionary. This area is in very good hands, whether he agrees with my compliments of him or not! =]
It's been a good week. I enjoyed having a mini-missionary with us - he's very intelligent and very prepared for his mission when the time comes for him to put in his papers after his last year of high school. It was an honor to teach him and be a part of a great experience and fond memory for him. I went on exchanges with the zone leaders here on Wednesday, and had a great time with Elder Rushforth (he's also going to BYU in January with me and Elder Young). I actually got sick AGAIN and we ended up having to go back to their apartment so that I didn't puke everywhere...not a fun time. I was feeling better by the next day, so everything's fine.
I'm actually doing really well, now that I think about it. I'm happy, I'm healthy, I'm loving my mission, and I can't wait to see what my new area has in store. It's been nice having everyone say goodbye to me, expressing their sincere appreciation for the work I've put in here, as well as their love for me. Four months here went by really, really fast. I'll miss it here, but Heavenly Father has need for me elsewhere. "Shall we not go on in so great a cause? ...Courage, brethren; and on, on to the victory!"
With love,
Elder DeLong